What We Do

Software Engingeering != Coding

Software Engineers' Time Allocation

Software engineers probably spend less than 10% of their time writing code. The other 90% of their time is involved with other activities that are more important than writing code.

These activities include:

  1. Eliciting Requirements
  2. Analyzing Requirements
  3. Writing Software Requirements Documents
  4. Building and Analyzing Prototypes
  5. Developing Software Designs
  6. Writing Software Design Documents
  7. Researching Software Engineering Techniques or obtaining information about the application domain
  8. Developing Test Strategies and Test Cases
  9. Testing the Software and recording the results
  10. Isolating Problems and Solving Them
  11. Learning to Use or installing and configuring new software and hardware tools
  12. Writing Documentation such as users manuals
  13. Attending Meetings with colleagues, customers, and supervisors
  14. Archiving Software or readying it for distribution